Doctoral student – sharpen your research skills with the library

The Social Sciences Libraries offer various types of support for doctoral students at the Faculties of Education, IT, Social Science and the School of Business, Economics and Law.

Current workshops

There are currently no upcoming events for Social Sciences Libraries workshops for PhD students.

Workshops offered in the spring

Succeeding with a subject search

How do you find literature relevant to your research topic? Or verify that no one has published on this before? In this workshop we will address how a subject can be turned into an efficient search in subject databases. We will focus on strategies and techniques that you can then apply to your own subject.

Maximizing your information seeking strategies

Much of a researcher’s ongoing information seeking concerns staying up to date with new literature as well as finding the gems worth reading. In this workshop we will identify some strategies and tools you can use to keep track of, as well as choose, relevant research.

Publishing with visibility and impact

Are you writing your first (or third) publication? In this workshop we will go through some issues to consider when choosing where to publish it. You will gain a better understanding of the publishing market and how you can plan your publishing to find the right audience and to enhance the publication’s future accessibility, visibility and impact.

Manage your research data responsibly

Do you collect or work with research data in your doctoral project? This workshop will help you identify strategies, tools and support to manage research data, from the planning of the data collection to what happens after the thesis is finished. You will also learn about various legal requirements that should guide your data activities and decisions.

Organized with the Grants and innovation office.

Workshops offered in the autumn

Succeeding with a subject search

How do you find literature relevant to your research topic? Or verify that no one has published on this before? In this workshop we will address how a subject can be turned into an efficient search in subject databases. We will focus on strategies and techniques that you can then apply to your own subject.

Moving beyond Google Scholar

Google Scholar used wisely may take you far. However, there is a bunch of other databases – more specialized in content and how they can be searched – available to you as a doctoral student for locating literature and material to support your research. So why move beyond Google Scholar? Join this workshop to find out how different types of databases can help you identify new relevant studies and boost your research.

Understanding how your publications are evaluated

Where your publications are published, how they are cited, and where they are indexed will be measured and evaluated, both nationally and locally, throughout your research career. Join this workshop to find out more about how publication indicators such as the h-index and the impact factor can (or should not) be used and try out some tools used to calculate the metrics.

We also offer other types of support

Contact us

Get in touch with us if you have questions, want to book an individual search support or want access to the follow-up material in Canvas.

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