The University Library is a part of the University of Gothenburg and headed by the Library Director. The Gothenburg University Library's organisation is divided into four library divisions and one library office.
Library Director
The Library Director is the Head of the University Library. Morgan Palmqvist is the Head of the Library and a member of the Vice-Chancellor's Management Council.
Library Board
The Library Board handles issues concerning the organization's finances and strategy. The board consists of representatives from the faculties, the joint administration, the student unions, the trade unions and one or two external representatives. The Vice-Chancellor appoints the chairman of the library board.
Library Management Group
The Gothenburg University Library's Management Group is an advisory body to the Library Director. Group members are the Library Director, Head of Office, Executive Secretary, Head Librarians, and Deputy Head Librarians from the library divisions.
Library Divisions
The Gothenburg University Library consists of four Library Divisions:
- The Biomedical Libraries
- Digital Services
- The Humanities Libraries
- The Social Sciences Libraries
Each division has one Head Librarian and one or two Deputy Head Librarians. The operations within each division is organised into teams that are headed by team leaders.
Library Office
The Library Office is headed by the Head of Office and the University Library's unit for administration.
Contact us
Contact us if you have questions regarding the University Library's organisation.