Search publications in GUP
You can search for publications to see if they are registered in GUP. You can also search for publication lists from GUP to see what is published by authors and institutions at the University of Gothenburg.
Find publications in GUP
There are two search interfaces that you can use to find publications in GUP: GUP interface in the search service Supersearch, and GUP's own interface for finding publications and publication lists.
Search GUP publications in Supersearch
You can choose to search for publications that are registered in GUP in our search service Supersearch. You can search for publications by title, author and subject and filter the results by institutions and year span.
Search publications in Supersearch
Publication lists from GUP
In the search interface of GUP you can search for publication lists by institution, author and year span and filter the result so that only peer reviewed publications are displayed.
The result of your search is a publication list, and you can copy the URL-link from your browser to link to the publication list from other websites.
Contact the GUP-support
Contact us if you need help finding publications in GUP or seeking out publication lists from GUP.
Telephone: 031 786 66 71