Reviewing and approving in GUP

You have to review and approve the publications in GUP that you are the author, co-author or editor of. When you approve, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the information and have not found any errors.

Review and approve

Log in with your x-account to review and approve publications in GUP.

How to review

When reviewing a registered publication, it is especially important to check that the data about publication type, affiliation and subject categories are correct.

Correct errors and supplement information

If you find something is wrong or missing in GUP you can often amend this yourself. Correct the errors and supplement missing information by editing the post. Save your changes, and then approve the publication.

If publications are missing

If you notice that any of your publications are missing in GUP, you can ensure that they enter by registering a new publication in GUP. Then review and approve the publication.

About how to register in GUP

If you find a duplicate

If you find a duplicate of your publication, please contact the GUP support to get help removing it. Please state the GUP-ID's when you contact us.

We will notify you when we have removed the duplicate. Then you can review and approve the right publication.

Contact GUP support

Contact us if you need help to remove duplicates or correct errors in GUP.

  • Telephone: 031 786 66 71

    Describe your question