What to register in GUP
You are required to register all publications from the University of Gothenburg of which you are the author. Artistic works are exempted and cannot be registered by yourself.
Publications from the University of Gothenburg
Register all publications and works which you have authored while connected to the University of Gothenburg. Some common types of publications are
- doctoral theses
- journal articles
- conference proceedings
- research reports
- book chapters
- books
Artistic works cannot be registered without first being assessed by the faculty. If you wish to register an artistic work, contact the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts for more information.
Publications from other universities
You can also register publications that you have authored while at other universities. By doing this you will get a complete list of your publications on your personal page in the University of Gothenburg's staff directory.
When registering your publications from another university, it is important that you do not state any department by your author name. Leave the field for department empty.
Contact us about registration in GUP
Telephone: 031 786 66 71